津波の記憶を刻む文化遺産 -寺社・石碑データベース-Cultural Heritage Sites Possessing Memories of Tsunamis: Database of Temples/Shrines and Stone Monuments



Cultural Heritage Sites Possessing Memories of Tsunamis: Database of Temples/Shrines and Stone Monuments


In the coastal area of Japan, there remain temples, shrines, and stone monuments which evoke memories of disasters caused by earthquakes and tsunamis. These cultural heritage sites and monuments remind us of the disasters in the past. Taking inspiration from the experiences of the Great East Japan Earthquake, we have created a database for the people living in the Japanese islands to provide information on temples, shrines, stone monuments, and inscription plates using maps and data. The database also has a feature where new information can be added by its users. We would like to develop this database with the help of the residents of the coastal area and anyone interested in this project. As a databank of cultural heritage sites related to tsunamis, we hope this database will help people prepare for disasters in the future.

[寺社・石碑データベースへの情報の追加を希望される方・登録情報の誤記に気づかれた方へ]Click here to add new information to the database.

  • 国立民族学博物館リーダーシップ支援経費「東日本大震災等大規模災害に関わる人間文化研究」
  • 人間文化研究機構基幹研究プロジェクト「日本列島における地域文化の再発見とその表象システムの構築」
  • 人間文化研究機構 機関拠点型基幹研究プロジェクト「人類の文化資源に関するフォーラム型情報ミュージアムの構築」
This database has been developed through the efforts of the research projects below:
  • Director-General’s Leadership Program “Research project on humanities related to the catastrophes” (National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka)
  • Multidisciplinary Collaborative Projects “Rediscovery of regional culture in the Japanese archipelago and construction of the representational system” (National Institutes for the Humanities)
  • Info-Forum Museum for Cultural Resources of the World (Instituted Project of the National Institutes for the Humanities Transdisciplinary Projects)

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九州・沖縄/ Kyushu-Okinawa